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Carefully curated by      Francois      &      Matt

My work as a photographer often takes me to new and interesting places, and one constant is the ever changing Beer landscape.  

As not only a beer drinker, but someone who enjoys seeing the story and ideas behind a product I’ve been able to meet the people who create some incredible drinks, and capture imagery that showcases their setup. The personalities and places effecting what ends up in the glass. 

From family run in small countryside towns, though to newer breweries slowing moving out of garages, basements into bigger industrial units as they reach capacity. Often funding growth through crowdfunding and large external investment. The pace of change is fast, but the joy is in capturing the personality of each place, and showing the story and people behind the process that takes the beer from grain to glass. “

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Publisher, marketer and cultural devourer, Francois’s main occupation is to read. When he does not read, he is also a big movie fan .. and reads about them. Francois curiosity about things and people are what motivates him to learn and now write.

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