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Carefully curated by      Francois      &      Matt




What: Quench is Cardiff’s leading student lifestyle magazine; written by students and read by students.

Why: It’s British and not about London – ably demonstrating that you don’t need to be in the UK capital to find the hip and happening. It has a back to basics design, but it is bursting at the seams with content and makes for an entertaining read, and not just for students!






What: Bristol’s favourite art and music magazine.

Why: Another UK-based online magazine. What can we say? We love it! Not surprising that with a name like that, Crack makes for an addictive read. Arts, music and festivals – it should certainly help motivate you if you’re stuck at home twiddling your thumbs this summer. Super cool design, probably as cool as its readers.






What: Amsterdam City Guide

Why: We love Lost for many reasons. For starters, because it’s free! It feels like an exhaustive guide about one of our favourite cities. It gives you tips about the hidden places the locals try to keep a secret. The design could be a little more inviting, but don’t let that put you off, do as they say and ‘get lost in Amsterdam!’






What: Online visual arts and fashion magazine showcasing the works of emerging and established creative individuals.

Why: Fashion, design, illustration and photography; fashion, design, illustration and photography. Are we repeating ourselves? That’s because Neverlazy has more than double of what you would expect! This might just be the pick of the bunch – we love it! A great source of inspiration for a publisher, a great platform for young talent and a great read for those of you curious to discover something you might not find in your regular reading material. There is a lot of content, and certainly something for everyone.






What: Salt Magazine is a quarterly tourism and lifestyle publication based on Australia’s Sunshine Coast.

Why: Sure, it may be winter down under, but that doesn’t stop this Queensland magazine talking all things sun, sea and sand. Lots of great tips about local places that you would miss out on otherwise without a good dose of Salt!






What: Immerse yourself in the world of design, high-end fashion, culture, beauty and the politics of people and places throughout the globe.

Why: Satellite is not disguising that this is aimed at the male market, and in particular those who like to take care of their brains, bodies and appearances. Like any good cosmopolitan magazine, there is music, fashion, and more in-depth subject matters. Probably leaning more towards fashion than anything else, it makes for a great read while relaxing at the beach and looking for inspiration from September’s trends.






What: High quality quarterly contemporary photography magazine. It features work from up-and-coming and well-established photographers.

Why: Wonderfully minimalist design, with next to zero text, it dedicate itself 100% to amazing photography. From street photography to portrait, from docu-series to more elaborate shoots.




Urban Cycling


What: Urban Cycling is dedicating itself to high-lighting the problems of biking in urban areas.

Why: Firstly, we loved it for the cover – uber-hipster! Secondly, because it’s a publication trying to solve the problems relating to promoting cycling in towns and cities. We know our Amsterdam and Malmö readers have it good, but try pedalling through the streets of London!

urban cycling






What: Zq‘s mission, in its own words, is to “establish a credible platform showcasing the nexus of science and design in the field of biologically inspired design, using case studies, news and articles that are exemplary in their impact on the field, rigorous in their methodology.”

Why: No, we didn’t get it the first time either, but to sum up, here is one for the science nerds who love beautiful stuff. The content might not always be easy to understand (it took us a full week to read) but the images are absolutely astonishing. Zq can captivate and educate after the first five pages and you will want to flip until the last one.



Written by

Publisher, marketer and cultural devourer, Francois’s main occupation is to read. When he does not read, he is also a big movie fan .. and reads about them. Francois curiosity about things and people are what motivates him to learn and now write.

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