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The Book

Upon your arrival in Hong Kong, the fragrant harbor city, you’re immediately greeted by a sensory symphony: the melodic chime of pedestrian crossings blending with the rhythmic ding-ding of trams; the mesmerizing dance of sunlight upon towering skyscrapers by day, and the vibrant hues of harbor lights illuminating the cityscape by night; the tantalizing aromas of sea breeze, culinary delights, and the lingering fragrance of burning incense.

The Photographer

Marion Gabrielle, a versatile photographer and astute visual culture researcher, hails from France and presently divides her time between the vibrant metropolises of London and Hong Kong. With a rich background in fashion photography, her creative journey has led her to embrace the captivating realm of film, infusing it with a documentary and street photography essence gleaned from her global escapades and scholarly pursuits.

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About the Book

What will you find inside The Weekender – Hong Kong

The book serves as your passport to a long weekend in Hong Kong during the spring of 2024, inviting you to immerse yourself in the dynamic pulse of the city’s bustling concrete jungle, the serene tranquility of its verdant mountains, and the timeless serenity of its sacred temples. Hong Kong’s rich tapestry of cultural heritage and diverse landscapes make it an ideal destination for a holiday brimming with exploration and discovery.

Through the lens of Marion Gabrielle’s camera, each page of this book unveils the captivating essence of a city where East harmonizes with West, where generations and traditions intersect to weave a rich tapestry of experiences.

hardcover books – 112 pages – matte paper
170x230mm – 0,8 kg – english
Isbn – 

Marion Gabrielle

Marion Gabrielle

Photographer, researcher, and creative director, Marion has a passion for visual culture and storytelling. While she enjoys documenting her travels as well as bringing imaginary narratives to life for fashion, she also finds inspiration in everyday life, aiming to turn seemingly mundane scenes into captivating stories through her film camera.


Francois Le Bled

Francois Le Bled

Publisher, marketer and cultural devourer, Francois’s main occupation is to read. When he does not read, he is also a big movie fan .. and reads about them. Francois curiosity about things and people are what motivates him to learn and now write.


Daniel Zachrisson

Daniel Zachrisson

Independent art director, designer and photographer, Daniel is passionate about all things visual, though considers music to be his main support in creating concepts, images and spaces.


Lilith Onyett

Lilith Onyett

Designer and photographer, Lilith is an artist at heart. Working across multiple mediums including print, illustration and photography, she creates work that blends storytelling and design into one. Inspired by film, video games and anime, she brings her own unique tastes and style to every project, aiming to build compelling narratives.

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