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The Book

Solaris-A is the culmination of over a decade of devotion to beauty and macro photography, infused with Laurent’s deep-seated passion for science fiction cinema. Drawing from his extensive experience in the luxury sector, Laurent seeks to pay homage to our celestial companion, the sun, by christening it “Solaris.” This title serves to blur the boundaries between reality and the fantastical, resonating with his own phobia of space.

The Photographer

Being agoraphobic means being constantly confronted with yourself. It’s defending an ordinary life. To be agoraphobic is to observe an inner duel where the unconscious always comes out the winner. To go out is to suffer. Laurent build up on this and manage to transform his suffering into a strength. Provoking motionless journeys, experiencing the creation of macro-portrait… The photographer plays with distances and space.

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Coming July 2024

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About the Book

What will you find inside reverie

Within the pages of “Solaris-A,” one encounters images drenched in sunlight, exuding warmth, texture, and abstraction. From portraits to bodies, flowers, and all that envelops Laurent’s world, macro photography takes center stage, reflecting his unique perspective on proximity. With eyes wide open, viewers will uncover unforeseen beauty.

Light, as defined by Wikipedia, is the radiation perceived by the human eye, emanating from an incandescent or luminescent source. In Solaris-A, this radiation is exclusively solar. Through this book, Laurent embarks on an exploration of the nuanced play of light that only the sun can offer. Starting with portraits and the female form, then utilizing flowers as a conduit, he delves into various textures, objects, geometric forms, places, and abstract concepts.

hardcover + dust jacket – 196 pages – matte paper
220x320mm – 1.6 kg – English
Isbn – 

Laurent Castellani

Laurent Castellani

Young French photographer based in Nantes, Laurent Castellani has the art of taming natural light to sublimate the raw beauty of his models. "The creative process is vital for me, without creation it's like a little death, I can't see myself doing anything else."


Francois Le Bled

Francois Le Bled

Publisher, marketer and cultural devourer, Francois’s main occupation is to read. When he does not read, he is also a big movie fan .. and reads about them. Francois curiosity about things and people are what motivates him to learn and now write.


Daniel Zachrisson

Daniel Zachrisson

Independent art director, designer and photographer, Daniel is passionate about all things visual, though considers music to be his main support in creating concepts, images and spaces.


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